College Protests and the Limits of Virtue by Benedict Beckeld Op-Ed - “That is, virtuous striving now is something that seeks to turn our social paradigm on its head.“ (5/7/2024)
What Happened to Columbia University? by Tony D. Senatore Op-Ed - “Seventy years of an educational ideology steeped in ‘openness’ has wreaked havoc on the United States, and what we see at Columbia University (and at other American universities) is clear proof of that.” (4/24/2024)
When Promoting Clean Energy, Patriotism Beats Moralizing by Michael D. Purzycki Op-Ed - “The debate over whether to go green is not a debate over whether to incur costs. It is a debate over which set of costs to incur, and people’s willingness to bear tangible burdens to achieve goals supported by affluent, educated progressives is limited.” (4/22/2024)
The Freedom to Be Religious as an Atheist by Peter Clarke Op-Ed - “In other words, now that I have become an atheist, I feel free to appreciate and even dabble in various religions. To put this in terms of Waits Paradox: Once one has quit religion, he is free to be religious.” (4/12/2024)
Sanctimony: A Political Vice from Which We Must Escape by Nigel Lloyd Alcorn Op-Ed - “Watching this quasi-religious mentality migrate leftward and displace more rational, humanistic values has been painful.” (4/5/2024)
The Age of Jihad by Gerfried Ambrosch Op-Ed - “As a result, an air of fear hangs over society, regardless of the fact that the likelihood of falling victim to such an attack is very low indeed. But this is how terror works.” (3/27/2024)
What Jordan Peterson’s Conversation with Destiny Can Teach Us(Youtube) by Talia Barnes Op-Ed - “Paradoxically, as the amount of online content available for consumption increases, conversations with as interesting a dynamic range as the one between Peterson and Destiny seem fewer and farther between.” (3/26/2024)
A Possible Solution to the Standardized Testing Debate by Aman Majmudar Op-Ed - “The video games also adapted to my inputs and choices in real time, which meant they could capture my strengths and weaknesses, a fuller view of my aptitude than just a number from how many multiple choice questions I got right.” (3/23/2024)
America Has a Writing Problem. How Do We Solve It? by Luka Ladan Op-Ed - “According to the most recent data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), only 24% of eighth and 12th graders are ‘proficient’ in writing.” (3/20/2024)
Texas and Florida Content Moderation Laws Would Open Pandora’s Box  by Mike Matthys Op-Ed - “A transparency mandate passed by Congress can avoid the controversial and difficult work of legally defining the terminology and specific guardrails for online safety and viewpoint neutrality.” (3/13/2024)
The Other Victims of the Surveillance State by Peter Clarke Op-Ed - “No doubt [Araya] Baker’s experience is legitimate, and, of course, it is true that state surveillance is a very serious problem, but paranoid delusions are real, too.” (2/18/2024)
The New Killing Fields of Europe by Brian Patrick Bolger Op-Ed - “Civilizational states such as Russia and China have a cohort of national and cultural values that are far more deeply enshrined (like them or loathe them) than those of the West.” (1/28/2024)
Taking a Second Look at Nikki Haley by Erich J. Prince Op-Ed - “It is true that one of the most important rules in politics is that ‘You can’t lose your base,’ but it is also true that in order to win competitive elections, broadening one’s base is essential, and Ambassador Haley might be able to accomplish that.” (1/25/2024)
“The Great Awokening” and Christianity by Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer Op-Ed - “Just as wokeness has eroded traditional liberal values like free speech, freedom of thought, merit, and individualism at an institutional level, it has also eroded traditional Christian doctrine within churches, seminaries, and Christian publications.” (1/24/2024)
The Age of Unnecessarily Complicated Academic Writing Is Over by Peter Clarke Op-Ed - “The fact is that effective communication is hard. Clear writing is hard. For the typical undergraduate—and no doubt the typical academic scholar or scientist—it is easier to string together vague buzzwords in meandering sentences than it is to say something clearly and concisely.” (1/22/2024)
Collective Punishment for Gaza? No. Collateral Damage? Unfortunately, Yes  by Walter E. Block and Alan G. Futerman Op-Ed - “Any dictatorship (and Hamas is one, of the Islamic theocratic variety) is first and foremost at war with the civilian population it controls, and then against other surrounding countries, only second.” (1/19/2024)
What Happened to the American Psychological Association? by Jon Mills Op-Ed - “When the most influential psychological association in the world wants to replace an ethic of care for all individuals with a new woke normativity that is gaslighting the next generation of psychologists, their patients, and the public, it should lose all credibility.” (1/17/2024)
Nothing to Answer for: The Fearless Art of Morrissey by Gerfried Ambrosch Op-Ed - “Refusing to take the path of least resistance when it comes to his career, Morrissey is the antithesis of the cookie-cutter ‘artists’ favored and propped up by the modern music industry.” (1/6/2024)
Young Americans Could Benefit From Conscription, Now More Than Ever by Aman Majmudar Op-Ed - “Although it might not have been glamorous, my time in the military helped me through challenges that currently burden many young Americans.” (1/5/2024)
When They’ll Do Anything to Stop Him by Tony D. Senatore Op-Ed - “Although the Biden administration and his State Department are rightfully quick to denounce the persecution of Navalny and how Russia conducts its elections, there are many parallels between the Navalny saga and what is happening in the United States as we approach the 2024 United States presidential election.” (1/4/2024)
Thomas Friedman Is at It Again by Walter E. Block and Alan G. Futerman The Right - “What is certain, however, is that part two of this degradation will occur in the not too distant future, and part three some time after that, if this advice of this New York Times columnist is followed.” (12/31/2023)
Against Michelle Wu’s Anti-Market Real Estate Proposal by Walter E. Block The Right - “If Chairman Wu were in power when Henry Ford was ruining the blacksmith, horse training and saddle making industries, she would have taxed the latter and subsidized the former. How about when computers took out the typewriter, carbon paper, and correction fluid (Wite-Out) industries?” (12/21/2023)
What Elon Musk and Bill Gates Might Have in Common by Peter Clarke The Center - “Musk still seems to have his wits about him when managing his other companies, when speaking on longform podcasts, or when staying conveniently on message with regard to China. So what is it about X that is specifically causing Musk to lose his composure and his business sense?” (12/8/2023)
Geert Wilders: Yet Another Warning to the Center by Gerfried Ambrosch The Center - “Many Europeans are waking up to the failures of multiculturalism and open-border policies and are demanding action. If the parties of the center left and center right continue to fail on this front, someone else will step in.” (11/29/2023)
The Failure of Multiculturalism by Noel Yaxley The Center - “We have a broken immigration system. Despite saying the right thing, [Suella] Braverman did not take much action to stop it. She ought to be judged similarly to what economists would call a revealed preference. In other words, actions speak louder than words.” (11/24/2023)
When a Different Standard of Morality Applies to the “Oppressed” by Charles Pincourt The Center - “The woke ideology does not merely advocate for redistribution of resources, but it also calls for (or at least allows for) different moral obligations according to one’s identity. This means that so-called oppressors are bound by a different morality than so-called oppressed identities.” (11/20/2023)
In Reply to Beckeld: What Is “the West” Nowadays? by Paul Gottfried The Right - “Where I may disagree most emphatically with Beckeld is in his idealization of the ‘West,’ which is supposedly currently at war with barbarous ‘non-Western enemies.’ From my perspective, much of what we see in the impassioned pro-Hamas protests represents where Western civilization has moved in the last hundred years or more.” (11/14/2023)
What Karl Marx Can Teach Us about Abortion by Guzi He The Right - “What better way to avoid paying for maternity leave, family health insurance, and other perks than to make sure that one’s employees never have children?” (11/2/2023)
The Media’s Blood Libel of Israel by Henry George The Right - “All of this could have been uncovered with measured reporting and a skepticism that avoids trusting the word of the baby-murdering terror group, Hamas.” (10/20/2023)
How Jesse Singal Became the Symbol of Polarization on the Left by Peter Clarke The Center - “Whether or not Singal is wrong in his conclusions does not matter. He dared to question the truisms, the sacred cows, and that brands him irredeemably transphobic.” (10/17/2023)
Barbarians in Our Midst by Gerfried Ambrosch The Center - “It is safe to say that the Muslims who have been spouting anti-Semitic hatred and propaganda on our streets in recent days were socialized in a culture whose values are irreconcilably at odds with ours—a parallel society that sees itself not as part of Western civilization but in opposition to it.” (10/13/2023)
Black Lives Matter’s Shameful Response to the Attacks on Israel by Tony D. Senatore The Right - “Meanwhile, the silence of companies such as Ben and Jerry’s that claim to support injustice is deafening. Clearly, when the issue of state-sponsored violence against the nation of Israel is in question, silence is an option…” (10/12/2023)
Mourning for Palestinians and Israelis—and the Possibility of Peace Ended by Yasmine Mohammed The Center - “After witnessing the events of the past few days, I admit that part of me is relieved that [my father] died before he had to watch Hamas take away his lifelong dream, slaughtering both it and Israeli civilians on video for the entire world to see.” (10/11/2023)
As the Violence Escalates, We Mustn’t Forget the Role of Iran by Catherine Perez-Shakdam The Right - “The disturbing element here is not just the escalation but the advanced level of military precision demonstrated by Hamas—an unnerving signal that Iran’s influence is looming larger than ever.” (10/10/2023)
War in Israel, War in the West by Henry George The Right - “This is not Israel’s 9/11. It is not even Israel’s Pearl Harbor. It is worse by an order of magnitude. The closest parallel is the Rape of Nanking.” (10/9/2023)