“We need more visionaries and integrated fields…because just as the human body is a complex interplay of atomic, molecular, cellular, and systemic processes, so too must be our approach to increasing healthy lifespan.”
Category: Op-Ed
Where an Anti-Aging Theory Goes Right (and Wrong)
Burning Britain
“Political violence, particularly against minorities, has no place in a democracy. However, neglecting the undeniable social and cultural repercussions of mass immigration is a grave mistake that only serves to empower the hard right.”
Reckless Rhetoric and Its Consequences
“By constantly calling President Trump an existential threat to democracy and comparing him so often to Hitler, many in the press need to be held accountable for demonizing his millions of voters and tilling the fertile soil that produced Crooks and others like him, yet to surface.”
Why Are Democratic Alliances so Sluggish? (And a Proposed Solution)
“The democratic form of government is persistently incompetent at preparing for its own defense, despite fair warnings.”
Historical Shadows: The Far-Right Surge in Germany and Austria
“For far too long, their concerns were ignored by center and left-wing parties, and so they turned elsewhere.”
Yes, to a Palestinian State—Just Not Inside or Right Next to Israel
“There is a strong positive relationship between living under the benefits of a government and human flourishing. Those without its protection must suffer, at the very least, compared to those who are fortunate in this regard.”
Putin’s Very Limited Tactical Nuclear Warfare Options
“Anticipating what a Russian nuclear attack would look like is an important first step in fashioning an appropriate response.”
Jerry Seinfeld Understated the Death of Comedy
“In Carlin’s time, it was edgy and cool to push back against the prudish ideas about obscenity, so playing with the boundaries of the metanarrative was practically encouraged (at least from audiences). Today, quite the opposite.”
College Protests and the Limits of Virtue
“That is, virtuous striving now is something that seeks to turn our social paradigm on its head.“
What Happened to Columbia University?
“Seventy years of an educational ideology steeped in ‘openness’ has wreaked havoc on the United States, and what we see at Columbia University (and at other American universities) is clear proof of that.”
When Promoting Clean Energy, Patriotism Beats Moralizing
“The debate over whether to go green is not a debate over whether to incur costs. It is a debate over which set of costs to incur, and people’s willingness to bear tangible burdens to achieve goals supported by affluent, educated progressives is limited.”
The Freedom to Be Religious as an Atheist
“In other words, now that I have become an atheist, I feel free to appreciate and even dabble in various religions. To put this in terms of Waits Paradox: Once one has quit religion, he is free to be religious.”
Sanctimony: A Political Vice from Which We Must Escape
“Watching this quasi-religious mentality migrate leftward and displace more rational, humanistic values has been painful.”
The Age of Jihad
“As a result, an air of fear hangs over society, regardless of the fact that the likelihood of falling victim to such an attack is very low indeed. But this is how terror works.”
What Jordan Peterson’s Conversation with Destiny Can Teach Us
“Paradoxically, as the amount of online content available for consumption increases, conversations with as interesting a dynamic range as the one between Peterson and Destiny seem fewer and farther between.”