College Protests and the Limits of Virtue Benedict Beckeld Op-Ed - “That is, virtuous striving now is something that seeks to turn our social paradigm on its head.“ 5/7/2024
Nitazene: Scenes From Britain’s Struggle with a Powerful New Drug Noel Yaxley Essay - “Meanwhile, the death toll rises. John told me he was 44—the same age as me—when we first met. That is just under the average age of death for homeless men in Britain. This is more than 30 years shorter than the country’s average male life expectancy.” 5/5/2024
“Mandarin Duck” and Other Poems Li Zhong Poetry - “In shallow ripples bathing together in pairs, as may be seen by the deep, clear waters of Xiangjiang.” 5/3/2024
Too Many Excuses for Tyrants Michael D. Purzycki Essay - “Despite all of this, [Robert D.] Kaplan’s analysis of the greater Middle East should not be ignored. His travels throughout this vast region across the decades give him insights into its diverse challenges that few Americans possess.” 5/3/2024
In Defense of the Bugmen Peter Clarke Essay - “But I am not interested in chiding Bronze Age Pervert—as other publications, such as National Review, have done—for his use of dehumanization. Instead, I want to offer a full-throated defense of these nasty bugmen.” 5/2/2024
Irregular Beats: The Surprising Politics of Kerouac, Burroughs, and Ginsberg Robert Dean Lurie Essay - “It is hard to say whether this philosophy would have had any adherents other than Kerouac, but it would have represented something new and uplifting—a counterculture to the counterculture.” 4/30/2024
For Whom the Nobel Tolls: Tomas Tranströmer’s “The Blue House” Johnny Payne Essay - “The lines, like long, rolling ocean waves on a cold Baltic sea, create their own reasons, their own rhythm, their own understanding. Anaphora is used, as Whitman did, to summon us to the great historical pageant of life, of happenings beyond our immediate knowledge.” 4/28/2024
Slavoj Žižek: “Christian Atheism: How to Be a Real Materialist” Erich J. Prince Interview - “In all other religions, you have people who become atheists. Only in Christianity, God himself goes through this experience.” 4/25/2024
What Happened to Columbia University? Tony D. Senatore Op-Ed - “Seventy years of an educational ideology steeped in ‘openness’ has wreaked havoc on the United States, and what we see at Columbia University (and at other American universities) is clear proof of that.” 4/24/2024
When Promoting Clean Energy, Patriotism Beats Moralizing Michael D. Purzycki Op-Ed - “The debate over whether to go green is not a debate over whether to incur costs. It is a debate over which set of costs to incur, and people’s willingness to bear tangible burdens to achieve goals supported by affluent, educated progressives is limited.” 4/22/2024
Rescuing Religion from Atheism Simon Maass Essay - “It seems, then, that religious practice is beneficial but unpalatable to many highly analytical people because they deem religious doctrines unpersuasive. The question therefore arises how one can make it palatable to them.” 4/21/2024