In Reply to Beckeld: What Is “the West” Nowadays?

A pro-Palestine rally in New York City (Jason Beeferman/POLITICO)

Where I may disagree most emphatically with Beckeld is in his idealization of the ‘West,’ which is supposedly currently at war with barbarous ‘non-Western enemies.’ From my perspective, much of what we see in the impassioned pro-Hamas protests represents where Western civilization has moved in the last hundred years or more.”

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The Ever Tenuous Coalition That Is the Left

What makes this conflict noteworthy is that it reveals stress lines within the coalition of today’s Left, a coalition that often seems held together more by what it hates than by strong bonds of friendship.”

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In Reply to Robert Jensen: The Folly of the Nazi Comparison

(Steve Helber/AP)

In fact, most Southerners did not own slaves; nor were Union soldiers, most of whom were drafted, fighting for the woke ideals of Jensen or the Southern Poverty Law Center.”

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Republicans Should Stop Pandering about Charter Schools

(Jason DeCrow/AP Photo)

I have no idea why Republicans and the GOP media fall over themselves rallying to the cause of those who hate them and who would never vote for them, no matter what.”

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