“All of these Lenape ideas are documented in Penn and Tamanend’s treaties and would later find their way into the Constitution of the United States.”
Author: Jim Proser
America Was Founded in “Brotherly Love”—Not Slavery
Jordan Peterson Biographer on Why People Hate Him So Much
“One can readily see why someone who has committed any part of his life to fighting ‘white privilege’ today would resent Peterson personally.”
Jordan Peterson and the Return of Solzhenitsyn
“The world was on this brink of this fiery hell when Jordan Peterson read Solzhenitsyn and began to turn from despair toward hope.”
“Systemic Racism”: a Popular Illusion
“These slavery and race theorists are correct about the existence of the stain but wrong about it being indelible.”
In Gratitude for the Executive Order on Critical Race Theory
“The Melting Pot is a quaint notion now perhaps (and no longer widely taught to curious young boys and girls), but I find it useful as a basic counterimage to the sophisticated, academic concept of Critical Race Theory now being taught.”
The Singular Courage of Tucker Carlson
“In the United States today, this is the language of the revolution’s media advance team. They want to silence one of our most prominent voices of opposition…”
We Need Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Now More Than Ever
“We must first understand this socialist culture of the woke who seek to control what we think, what we say, and how we live. We must believe—like Solzhenitsyn did—that the truth can defeat them.”
Why People Hate Jordan Peterson So Much
“Peterson continued, ‘So the Soviets really implemented and perfected the idea of class and ethnicity based guilt, and it’s a very bad road to walk down, and it’s something that we’re very much engaged in at the moment.'”
Mattis Biographer: Why General Mattis Is Wrong
“Wouldn’t a simple statement of solidarity with the protestors and his personal commitment to help heal the nation be the right use of the General’s reputation and leadership?”