“Political violence, particularly against minorities, has no place in a democracy. However, neglecting the undeniable social and cultural repercussions of mass immigration is a grave mistake that only serves to empower the hard right.”
Author: Gerfried Ambrosch
Burning Britain
Historical Shadows: The Far-Right Surge in Germany and Austria
“For far too long, their concerns were ignored by center and left-wing parties, and so they turned elsewhere.”
The Age of Jihad
“As a result, an air of fear hangs over society, regardless of the fact that the likelihood of falling victim to such an attack is very low indeed. But this is how terror works.”
Nothing to Answer for: The Fearless Art of Morrissey
“Refusing to take the path of least resistance when it comes to his career, Morrissey is the antithesis of the cookie-cutter ‘artists’ favored and propped up by the modern music industry.”
Geert Wilders: Yet Another Warning to the Center
“Many Europeans are waking up to the failures of multiculturalism and open-border policies and are demanding action. If the parties of the center left and center right continue to fail on this front, someone else will step in.”
Barbarians in Our Midst
“It is safe to say that the Muslims who have been spouting anti-Semitic hatred and propaganda on our streets in recent days were socialized in a culture whose values are irreconcilably at odds with ours—a parallel society that sees itself not as part of Western civilization but in opposition to it.”
Checking in on “Woke Europe”
“Like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, continental Europe would, therefore, do well to dial down the moralizing rhetoric associated with wokeness and return to the enlightened pragmatism, cultural liberalism, and scientific curiosity that gave us the modern world.”
What Is a Human?
“In fact, heterosexuality and the male-female binary can be observed across countless species. The onus of proof, therefore, is on those who claim that we are an exception.”
Salman Rushdie: The Antithesis to Moral Cowardice
“Leading by example, Rushdie refuses to be intimidated into silence.”
If the Horseshoe Fits: Illiberalism Across the Political Spectrum
“While far-right ideologues make no secret of their illiberalism, their counterparts on the Left tend to cloak theirs in the language of equality.”
What Whoopi Goldberg Got Wrong about the Holocaust—and Why It Matters
“Only days before Goldberg made her ill-informed comments, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) changed its definition of racism to ‘The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.'”
What Punk Rock Has Taught Me about the Radical Left
“The question, of course, is why an underground counterculture known for its outspoken, contrarian, and anti-authoritarian attitude would toe the woke party line, disavow empiricism, and do the bidding of elite ideologues rather than admit that the emperor is naked.”
How the “New Atheists” Deradicalized Me
“New Atheism had taught me always to demand evidence; and the evidence revealed that, historically, political radicalism had been a major source of violence and inhumanity…”
Understanding the Mind of a Rioter
“This tendency to equate nuanced thinking and nonviolence with a lack of political conviction is typical of radicals.”
Is Gen Z Really So Different?
“Coming of age in the 1990s, the state of the world seemed every bit as dire to me as it does to many ‘Zoomers.'”