Second Thoughts on Airline Deregulation


“The deregulation of air travel and other sectors of the economy in the 1970s was (and continues to be), in my view, a profound mistake. While controversial, I assure you that this contrarian take is not (entirely) a product of big-government sentimentalism from a crabby online socialist.”

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When Jordan Peterson’s Defenders Selectively Use History

Both Tavana and Peterson have expressed support for capitalism and Western civilization without ever addressing the atrocities committed in their name.”

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Injecting Nuance into the Reparations Debate

(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

“But when addressing a problem of justice, popularity is neither the sole nor the primary factor for adjudication.”

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A Different Take on “El Chapo”


“Modern society has always had a secret love affair with the criminal.”

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Kevin Williamson, “The Bard of Anti-Socialism”

“Perhaps Williamson’s own ability to overcome those obstacles has led him to underestimate how formidable a challenge they can pose, a clear example of upward mobility hardening the hearts of the precious few it bestows itself upon.”

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