My relatives in Ukraine live in a perpetual state of fear of war with Russia, a country that has oppressed Jews, Ukrainians, and defenders of freedom alike for centuries.
Author: Adam Barsouk
Ukrainian-American: Democrats Are Turning Us Into Russia
A Scientific Defense of Libertarianism
Libertarians should pride themselves as harboring the most consistent political philosophy.
Censoring Spencer Only Makes Him Louder
As an increasing number of universities take a stand against alt-right figures, perhaps it’s the wrong approach. Read more
Charlottesville: Violence, Death, and a Rusty Old Statue
“With malice toward none; with charity for all … let us strive to achieve a just and a lasting peace among ourselves.”—Abraham Lincoln
The Lost War Over Health Care
Despite the Republican Party’s tremendous electoral success, pseudo-conservatives have chosen to ignore basic economics in favor of their constituents. Read more
The United States is No Longer a Government “Of the People”
Businessmen, career politicians, and lawyers are incapable of effectively representing the interests of all Americans.