“How/it both is, and is not/a type of existence.”
after Magritte
This is not another poem about the moon
or the last strawberry popsicle of August
or how the cherry blossoms last eight days.
Consider instead: the ride home, arrested
by a sunset,
or the eclipse.
Either way,
in the same way
that Magritte never
painted a pipe. How
it both is, and is not
a type of existence. How
every end is also
a beginning. How
the last line wraps
back in the same way
the moon swallows
the sun.
Alison Lubar’s poetry collection, The Other Tree, was the recipient of Harbor Editions’ 2024 Laureate Prize. They are the author of four chapbooks: Philosophers Know Nothing About Love, which was released with Thirty West in 2022; queer feast, which was released with Bottlecap Press in 2022; sweet euphemism, which was released with CLASH! in 2023; and It Skips a Generation, which was released with Stanchion in 2023; as well as one full-length, METAMOURPHOSIS, which was released with fifth wheel press in 2024.