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Dr. Stanley Goldfarb: The Activist Class Takes Aim at Medicine

(Noah Berger)

“It’s career ending, really…Anybody who tries to [speak out] will be shunned.”

On October 3rd, Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a nephrologist and former professor and associate dean for curriculum at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, joined Merion West‘s Erich Prince to discuss how critical race theory is impacting medicine, both in medical schools and in the practice of medicine. Dr. Goldfarb attracted controversy for his comments critical of new racial initiatives in medicine that have been rolled out with increasing fervor since the murder of George Floyd in May of 2020. This culminated in a petition to the University of Pennsylvania demanding it sever any remaining ties with him. In March, Dr. Goldfarb published a book titled Take Two Aspirin and Call Me By My Pronouns: Why Turning Doctors into Social Justice Warriors is Destroying American Medicine. (The title was borrowed from his 2019 Wall Street Journal op-ed addressing similar points.) And shortly thereafter, Dr. Goldfarb announced the creation of the organization Do No Harm, which aims to combat the above-mentioned racial initiatives through political advocacy and spreading awareness about their existence. In their conversation, Dr. Goldfarb and Mr. Prince discuss specific instances of racial preferences coming to bear on treatments, the effects of affirmative action in medical education, and potential legislative remedies Do No Harm favors.

This interview appears in video form:

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