“Insomuch as the historical figure of Bolívar still has considerable influence in contemporary Latin American politics, some demythologizing and criticism is in order.”
Netflix recently released Bolívar, a series of sixty episodes, devoted to the life of 19th Century South American hero, Simón Bolívar. Sadly, its quality is not great. As one reviewer acutely observes, it is too close to the melodramatic style of Latin American telenovelas. Casting options are odd; characters from Spain speak with a Colombian accent, adolescent actors play the role of children (fortunately, however, black actors play slaves, and white actors play masters; Latin American productions are still not willing to sacrifice historical plausibility in the name of political correctness and diversity). Acting is sloppy. The script is sometimes tedious, as it tries to incorporate humor, passion, and preaching, all in one, as telenovelas usually do. This combination does not always work.
It is a pity, because the life of Bolívar does have great potential for interesting dramatic representation. In Bolívar’s life, far more so than in the lives of Washington or Lincoln (with whom he is frequently compared, to the annoyance of many South Americans), there was plenty of sex, gunfights, betrayal, intrigue, and above all, overcoming the odds. Bolívar has not had good representations on the screen, but there are certainly great books written about him, both in the form of novels (García Márquez’s classic The General in His Labyrinth), and in the form of biographies (as in Marie Arana’s recent English-language portrayal).
Before the miniseries was even released, Venezuela’s dictator Nicolás Maduro was already complaining that Colombians would distort the Venezuelan hero’s life. This is typical of Maduro’s complete lack of intellectual honesty and critical thinking. But in fact, Maduro’s attitude goes back to Bolívar’s own life. After achieving independence from the Spanish Empire, Bolívar tried to force Venezuela, Colombia (then called “New Granada”) and Ecuador into forming one country: the Great Colombia. Such a project would never work because the three nations already had long had their own separate identities, and indeed, by 1830, the three countries had gone their separate ways. Deeply disillusioned by this, Bolívar planned to go into exile in Europe, but he died along the way that same year.
Ever since, relations between Colombia and Venezuela have been strained, and one common point of contention is the debate about who betrayed Bolívar. Venezuelans point to Francisco de Paula Santander, Bolívar’s Colombian rival. Colombians point to José Antonio Páez, Bolívar’s Venezuelan rival. For the most part, this is a ridiculous debate, as both Santander and Páez, Colombians and Venezuelans, had their share of guilt. But the crucial point that this debate misses is that Bolívar himself was to blame for his ultimate failure. And this is something that both Colombians and Venezuelans have a hard time acknowledging, because in both countries, Bolívar is a demigod. In fact, the Netflix series to some extent continues this deification. Insomuch as the historical figure of Bolívar still has considerable influence in contemporary Latin American politics, some demythologizing and criticism is in order.
Make no mistake: the Spanish Empire was a despotic power, and—with or without Bolívar—it would have crumbled. This was because it stubbornly refused to make some reforms that even some 18th Century enlightened Spanish administrators felt were needed. They were only carried out too little, too late. Bolívar, as part of the criollo class despised by the ruling peninsulares (those born in Spain), understandably had good motivations to break with Spanish rule. But the way he went about doing it is very questionable, to say the least. Bolívar could have tried to persuade criollos that the Spanish administration was corrupt, but he went far beyond that. He ultimately relied on ethnic mongering, framing what was always a civil war between criollos who supported independence and criollos who remained loyal, as a confrontation between Spaniards and Venezuelans. In order to draw the ethnic line to rally support, he decreed a, “War to the Death,”meaning that Spanish civilians who did not actively support the independence movement, would be killed. For the most part, Bolívar did keep his word, executing hundreds of Spanish prisoners in La Guaira, in 1814.
Ultimately, his own ethnic mongering came back to haunt him. After achieving independence, Bolívar was terrified that blacks would massacre whites and impose what he called pardocracia (i.e., “rule by dark-skinned people,” the specter of Haiti always being present in his mind), not acknowledging that once he invoked racial animus against the Spanish, it was impossible to put the genie back into the bottle. This is probably why he chose to execute a charismatic dark-skinned general, Manuel Piar, even though he could have gracefully spared his life.
Yet, whereas Washington or Jefferson never really considered emancipation, Bolívar himself was genuinely moved by compassion and took the first steps towards freeing slaves. Likewise, despite all the brutality of the war, at some point he did his best to humanize war, by facilitating prisoner exchange, and personally meeting with his Spanish rival, General Pablo Morillo, in order to come up with an armistice.
Bolívar’s accomplishment was not small. After many failures, and against all odds, he managed to liberate Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia from Spanish rule. Only a man with extreme ambition and determination could pull this off. Yet, ultimately, that same ambition and determination turned out to be his own downfall. Fearing a Spanish reconquest, Bolívar believed it was necessary for New Granada, Ecuador and Venezuela to be united as a single nation (Colombia), with a strong government. For the recently created Bolivia, he wrote a Constitution with strong authoritarian tendencies, and he tried to impose that Constitution on the newly formed Colombia. This Constitution included a president for life (i.e., a dictator), and, of course, this would be none other than Bolívar himself. Very much as Caesar, he would be a king without a crown. Sic semper tyrannis. He was not stabbed to death, but he did have to step down with deep disillusion, because New Granadans, Ecuadorians and Venezuelans figured that they did not fight a bloody war to gain independence from a king, only to be ruled now by another king.
Almost two hundred years later, Venezuela now has a dictator, Nicolás Maduro. His predecessor and mentor, Hugo Chávez, launched the so-called “Bolivarian Revolution” in 1999, and ever since, Venezuela (far more than Colombia) has taken the cult of Bolívar to new extremes. Today, Maduro’s opponents in Venezuela want to reclaim the name of Bolívar, arguing that the Liberator would oppose Maduro, and that in fact, the so-called “Bolivarian Revolution” is anything but. In some aspects, they are right. Bolívar, a man deeply influenced by Classical Liberalism and the Enlightenment, would be horrified by the disastrous Socialist policies put in place by Maduro. But, in a deeper sense, Maduro is a very Bolivarian ruler. Very much as the Liberator, Maduro has an autocratic vein in his body, and he would not mind being the president for life that Bolívar aspired to be, i.e., a king without crown. Bolívar survived an assassination attempt in 1828, and ultimately, he was sensible enough to understand that there is no point in trying to rule without the consent of the people; he thus stepped down. Unlike Bolívar, Maduro does not care about this fundamental principle. Maduro has also survived assassination attempts, but he stubbornly remains in power.
Precisely because he understood that principle, Bolívar had a natural death. Be that as it may, despite its shortcomings, the Netflix series is a good opportunity to learn about many details of Bolívar’s life (it is, for the most part, historically accurate—but not sufficiently critical), and Venezuelans who oppose Maduro should come to understand that it makes little sense to seek to topple a 21st Century dictator, while at the same time reclaiming the name of a 19th Century dictator.
Dr. Gabriel Andrade teaches ethics and behavioral science at St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine. He has previously contributed to Areo Magazine and DePauw University’s The Prindle Post.
It’s the typical lack of understanding of history and the present situation that we can see in this biased and subjective account that can’t be further from the truth. It is another propaganda that contributes to distorted picture of the world affairs. Maduro is not a Dictator nor was Sr Bolivar. Shame on you Gabriel
Maduro is not only a dictator, is a drug lord as well.
I’m a Venezuelan and for me to read someone’s article on Simón Bolívar and comparing him to Maduro is just absurd. Bolívar took over as ruler just because there was NO ONE else more deserving of the position. He did it wrong, we know of Bolívar as a warrior and hero. Great military man but not President. Fact is, Maduro and Chávez before him just use Bolívar’s name and their so called “Bolivarian Revolution” not to act as Bolívar once did. They name it like that, because in Venezuela the love and devotion towards the Liberator and his name is so strong that he’s almost another messiah for us. BUT that just made a lot of Venezuelans ignorant of what Chavez was preaching when he executed his coup… He knew the love Venezuelans felt for the name, used it to name his revolution, used it to say he was another hero like Bolívar (and we Venezuelans do love a hero) and we are always waiting for a new one. So at that moment, Chávrz claimed he was, with his charisma made a lot of people love him. Thank God, Allah, Budha or whoever’s up there he died, but now his followers even pray to him… I was taken prisioner while protesting against Maduro’s corrupt and unlegitimate power and can tell you that they keep frames of Chávez all hanged on the military’s chapel. Not Christ or Mary… Chavez, in a chapel, almost 20 pictures. So that’s why comparing Maduro and Bolívar is just absurd and ridiculous. One was an honorable soldier with dreams of freedom and justice for everyone. The other one is just a 21st Century Dictator who’s predecessor knew how to get to people’s hearts, make them ignorant and uneducated so they always needed him and his gifts and stay poor forever. Why? BECAUSE AN IGNORANT AND POOR SOCIETY WILL ALWAYS NEED A LEADER WHO CAN MAKE THE “HARD STUFF” FOR THEM THUS HIM STAYING IN POWER. And hell, it worked, not original though, we know Chavez was instructed by the Castros so no surprise there. Point is, if you are going to write ANYTHING about Venezuela’s government and actually build an opinion on how our people is, how the government is and how the hero was, first go there. Live only 1 month in any of the cities, then come back and actually tell me if we can really compare that waste of human soul with one like Bolivar’s. Now if you don’t have the guts or balls of going to Venezuela and experience what Chávez and Maduro did so you can build your article from actual experience, then just don’t write anymore about us, our history, our heroes and our villains.
you type a lot
Maduro continued the fight against the empire and Financial bloquead against the Venezuelan people
Call it king but he (Maduro ) will lead the resistance against CIA and their villains
Not for long!
I watched all 60 episodes and although there many times it was a bit like a soap opera, I enjoyed watching it.
I thought generally the acting was better than the script. I also found it to be fairly historically accurate, which was a surprise. Kudos to the last actor portraying Bolivar
I thought he was fantastic!
I found the series to be fairly accurate, and I enjoyed it immensely. What I do not understand is the issue about the slaves, during that period not only in South America, but the entire continent of the Americas, last time I checked slaves were black. This is not an issue of black or white, is an issue based on history.
This series is from A Colombian view and yes at some point Telenovela style . Then again it was good entertainment. ( fiction & reality )
I totally disagree with the negative opinion about Netflix Bolivar. I’m a Venezuelan and I really enjoyed the humor and acting, from all 3 men who played Bolivar, to Olevy, to Manuelita AND all the cast in between. It was great to finally hear the South American dialogue. I can totally understand how some of the humor could be lost in translation for sure but I also know that we have a totally different sence of humor.
The book Bolívar, authored by Marie Arana, was published recently in Spanish.
I really enjoyed the series. I need to find another one like this to watch. La Esclava Blanca is of the same genre and was also a great series. Can anyone recommend another good series of this genre to watch. I miss Bolivar already.
It was a great show, to the point..not everything is going to be exactly as it was back then due do it being many years ago a lot of information lost..Its MESSAGE IS LOUD & CLEAR!!! QUE VIVA LA LIBERTAD, CARAJO!!!!
Very good article.
I suggest Dr Andrade should at least try to learn the history of Bolivar, to understand his ideas and actions, before making such an ignorant statement comparing Bolivar with Maduro.
I disagree with this negative review of the Netflix series. I thought it was outstanding – well balanced and outstandingly acted. It did not glorify nor unfairly criticize any of the characters – they were portrayed as multi-dimensional people with great qualities but with flaws who made mistakes – especially in hindsight. Bolivar made mistakes and his own assessment of himself as a failure at the end of his life was probably true. None of that was sugar coated in the series, nor was the hatred felt by a large section of the populations in each of the countries which he conquered. None of that detracted from what a great man he was in so many respects, even though I personally take the minority view that South America would have been better off if the Spanish had continued to rule and make a gradual transition to self-rule like the British did in several parts of their Empire.