Darryl Cooper: Revisionist History and Misplaced Empathy by Alexander von Sternberg Essay - “Perhaps it is because of my own bias toward [Darryl Cooper as a friend, but the responsibility for such imprecise talk is something I place on [Tucker] Carlson, not on his interview subject.” (9/26/2024)
Bruce Springsteen Turns 75 by Erich J. Prince Essay - “It is just Springsteen and his sparse vocals seeming to sing out into the empty expanse of the American West and its sprawling landscapes where hope—at least until the final track—is nowhere to be found. One can feel it was recorded in winter.” (9/23/2024)
Making Sense of Germany’s Migration Deal with Kenya by Gerfried Ambrosch Op-Ed - “Chancellor’s Scholz’s Germany-Kenya deal fails to address these core issues, and with Kenyan skilled workers favoring English-speaking countries, it may not even alleviate Germany’s skilled labor shortage. Nevertheless, it represents a step in the right direction, as it has German interests at heart.” (9/18/2024)
Mythos Americanos: Who Took the Grit out of Integrity? by Michael Boughn Essay - “Trying to nail down the source of the intensity of my response, I kept coming back to a sense of a deep, existential nostalgia for what I could only think of as integrity.” (9/17/2024)
America’s Housing Dilemma: Building for a Future with Fewer People by Peter Clarke Op-Ed - “Bringing this back to the United States: While we need to address our current housing crisis, the goal should not be to build, build, build anywhere at any cost.” (9/16/2024)
Scribe in Disguise: Amy Beeder’s “And So Wax Was Made and Also Honey” by Johnny Payne Essay - “[Amy] Beeder’s nimble adaptiveness and ability to key her lexicon to a wily set of speakers and dramatic personae in And So Wax Was Made and Also Honey are what make this rare book command attention.” (9/15/2024)
Why Transhumanism Is Unrealistic and Immoral by Wesley J. Smith Essay - “Utopians often produce evil because their movement’s aspirations become paramount—that is, more important than avoiding acts ‘traditionally perceived as immoral.’ If enough people follow Istvan on the transhuman roller coaster, people could eventually get hurt.” (9/3/2024)
Fierce Lyric in Karla Kelsey’s “Blood Feather” by Johnny Payne Essay - “Blood Feather stages scenes of both unexpected victory and chronic defeat in the three featured lives, while allowing us to imagine an alternative history for these women, had they been listened to and given latitude to exercise their rightful prerogatives in the culture at large, rather than retreating into conventional expectations of femininity.” (9/1/2024)
Portrait of a Stubborn Ukrainian by Dave Smith Essay - “He was flanked by fields of dead sunflowers that could not be harvested because of the renewed Russian offensive.” (8/29/2024)
Where an Anti-Aging Theory Goes Right (and Wrong) by Natasha Vita-More Op-Ed - “We need more visionaries and integrated fields…because just as the human body is a complex interplay of atomic, molecular, cellular, and systemic processes, so too must be our approach to increasing healthy lifespan.” (8/26/2024)